Page 86 - Never Plead Ignorance
P. 86

84                     NEVER PLEAD IGNORANCE

              people endeavour to forget, the reality of the hell is always there to en-
              compass all disbelievers and those who seek another way than the way of
                   So never plead ignorance about the existence of the hereafter.
              Endeavouring not to think about it, or ignoring it, will not save anyone
              from the grievous punishment. On the contrary, people who ignore this
              fact and hence follow their own desires will go to hell, if Allah wills. The
              hell will be "the meeting place" of all these people. (Surat al-Hijr: 43)
                   Allah created the paradise, embellished with His favours, for His
              true servants who make serious efforts to attain His good pleasure
              throughout their lives. Allah relates the beauty of the paradise in many

                   Platters and cups of gold will be passed around among them and they will
                   have there all that their hearts desire and their eyes find delight in. You
                   will remain in it timelessly, for ever. (Surat az-Zukhruf: 71)
                   The beauty and glory of the paradise are beyond one's imagination.
              The Qur'anic words describing all kinds of delights (Surat ar-Rahman: 48)
              surely illustrate a vivid picture of the real nature of the paradise. There ex-
              ist great possessions for the believers. The paradise is the place Allah spe-
              cially prepared for the believers. In it there are beautiful mansions,
              thrones embellished with precious stones, clothes fashioned from beads
              of silver, gold and pearls, rivers of honey, and never-ending fruits. They
              are all given to the service of believers in the paradise. The paradise is an
              eternal reward for believers and a manifestation of Allah's power of cre-
              ation. So, never plead ignorance of the fact that the paradise abounds
              with glorious favours that are incomparable with their counterparts in
              this life.

                   Surely, there is another place manifesting Allah's matchless power of
              creation. The hell, created for the disbelievers, is surely another manifes-
              tation of Allah's justice. The hell is specifically created for people who dis-
              regard the fact of the hereafter, live for this world, and rebel against Allah.
              Just as how the paradise is adorned with remarkable favours, the hell will
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