Page 13 - Fear of Allah
P. 13
earing Allah is not, as assumed by some people, an exclu-
sive trait of prophets and those who are especially near to
F Him but rather it is a feeling carried within the hearts of all
believers, and a feeling that should be held by all humanity. Allah's
command in the Qur'an is clear:
You who believe! Fear Allah and let each self look to what it
has sent forward for tomorrow. Fear Allah. Allah is aware of
what you do. (Surat al-Hashr: 18)
Fear of Allah is not the kind of fear some people assume it to be.
It is the meticulous avoidance by a believer, who loves Allah very
much, who has wholeheartedly submitted himself to Allah and who
does not take any friends and guardians other than Him, of the kind
of attitude and morality with which Allah will not be pleased, ask-
ing and striving for His mercy and good pleasure.
Our Prophet (saas) also called attention to this issue in many of
his sayings, reminding the believers always to fear Allah:
"Fear Allah wherever you are; if you follow an evil deed with a good
one you will obliterate it; and deal with people with a good disposi-
tion." (Tirmidhi)