Page 14 - Fear of Allah
P. 14

               Allah has created all humanity and knows them better than they
            know themselves. He knows what everybody keeps secret even
            within the most secret of secret recesses of their beings. He is very
            well aware of the types of misgivings the soul experiences and types
            of games that will be played out by the self because He is the Creator
            of every soul and has given it boundless ability to do evil, and inspi-
            ration to avoid such evil so that it may be justly tried. Allah has also
            created satan as part of this test and has granted him a set of specific
            qualities to be used in the pursuit of his objective.
               It is for this reason that a believer's greatest support in life's trial
            is fear of Allah because this will enable a person to behave as Allah
            requires, to work towards pleasing Allah, to protect oneself from
            the temptations of satan and the lower self with awareness of and
            resistance to their stratagems and games. Such a disposition does
            not suit satan's attempts to manipulate the limitless desires of a per-
            son's lower self.
               It is for this reason that a person's lower self, with satan's en-
            couragement, will before all else try to distance him from fearing
            Allah. They will want to introduce distractions which turn people
            away from fearing Allah and caution with respect to Him by falsely
            suggesting that this is unnecessary or even incorrect and that love of
            Allah and possessing a pure heart is what really matters. However,
            a conscientious reciter of the Qur'an will see with ease that sugges-
            tions such as these have no realistic basis, and that they contain a to-
            tally deviant and deceptive objective, because Allah has
            commanded believers to fear him in the Qur'an in the clearest form
               ... Fear Allah and know that Allah is fierce in retribution.
               (Surat al-Baqara: 196)

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