Page 19 - The Moral Values of the Qur'an
P. 19
think not only with their minds but also with their
hearts, and ask of themselves, the questions “why”
and “how”, they will be able to understand that all of
the universe is the proof of the existence and power
of Allah.
6 Being Careful
As we stated at the beginning, Allah created the
universe to show the signs of His Creation. However,
the unbelievers cannot understand this fact since they
do not have the ability to “see” this divine purpose.
As the Qur’an expresses it: “They have eyes with
which they do not see.” (Surat al-Araf, 7:179). With
their materialistic vision, they do not have the
wisdom and comprehension to grasp this important
Believers are quite different from this “blind”
category, because they realise and accept that the
whole universe is created by Allah with a certain aim
and wisdom. This belief is the first step of faith. As
faith and wisdom increase in parallel with each other,
they will begin to be able to identify every detail of
Allah’s Creation.
In the Islamic tradition, progress in faith is in