Page 21 - The Moral Values of the Qur'an
P. 21
And Allah states in another verse that the blind
could not be held equal to the seeing and asks "Will
you then consider not?" (Surat al An'am, 6:50)
One should train oneself to recognize the signs of
Allah and should always keep them in mind.
Otherwise, the mind will start to wander, jumping
from one topic to another, wasting time in thinking
about useless things. This is a kind of
unconsciousness; you cannot control your mind
when you lose your concentration in Allah. You
cannot focus on a subject. Indeed, you cannot
conceive the truth behind events, nor can you ever
have the competence to affect the course they take.
On the contrary, your mind is directed by stray
happenings. You are “bewildered” all the time, which
is not the attribute of the believer, but of the
“... if anyone assigns partners to Allah, it is as if he had
fallen from heaven and been snatched up by birds, or the
wind had swooped and thrown him into afar-distant place.”
(Surat al-Hajj, 22: 31)
Believers, on the other hand, are the ones who
direct their minds better to perceive Allah, and who
try in better ways to serve His religion. They free