Page 101 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 101

Examples of Those Who Were Astray         99

             his cruelty. He brought great pressure to bear on a certain
             group (particularly the children of Israel) among his people,
             even going so far as killing their children.
                 Pharaoh exalted himself arrogantly in the land
                 and divided its people into camps, oppressing
                 one group of them by slaughtering their sons
                 and letting their women live. He was one of
                 the corrupters. (Surat al-Qasas: 4)
                 With the sole purpose of maintaining his authority and
             forestalling all possible future movements of opposition,
             Pharaoh not only slaughtered boys but also male babies.
                 The order Pharaoh built on cruelty, is nothing but a
             historical example of a type of conduct we are accustomed to
             in our day. All mentalities based on rejection and transgression
             may, if necessary, slaughter women and children, start wars and
             drop bombs on thousands of innocent people just to maintain
             their state. Their purpose is to protect their own interests and
             power, by any means, regardless of the consequences.
                 If man lives without considering Allah's judgement of his
             actions, there is nothing to stop him crossing the borders of
             cruelty, wronging people, and making decisions that cost the
             lives of many. The example of Pharaoh is one that presents the
             most extreme ends of cruelty, but which is still practised today,
             though with different methods.

             Pharaoh's arrogance
                 Pharaoh had grown arrogant because of the power and
             glory he held, and on top of completely transgressing the limits
             of Allah, he even went so far as to declare himself a god. He
             made his people suffer unbearable agonies, and went to
             extravagant ends to protect his power, which was the only
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