Page 97 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 97

Examples of the Rightly-Guided in the Qur'an  95

             tradition, customs or rules of society, but because of her
             devotion to Allah and her meticulousness about His commands.
                 Maryam's becoming pregnant with Prophet Isa (AS) and
             her giving birth to him is told in detail in the Qur'an. Angel Jibril
             came to Maryam with the glad tidings of a son in whom Allah
             had blown from His spirit. This was a great gift for her from
             Allah, because this boy was to be a prophet.
                 Giving birth on her own by Allah's help and protection,
             Maryam set an example to the world when she returned to her
             community, by displaying a strong character. She and her family
             were known as devout, chaste and faithful people in the city they
             lived in. When Maryam, after a long time, returned to her
             community with a baby, she found all her countrymen against
             her. There were some who did not believe that Prophet Isa was
             a glad tiding for her from Allah, and they slandered her and tried
             to harm her.
                 Since Maryam acted according to the good pleasure of
             Allah, and not for the approval of people, she was not affected
             by popular opinion. In societies of ignorance, however, there are
             many people who, just because of the possible reaction they
             may trigger from other people, become removed from their
             conscience, do not perform regular prayers and other acts of
             worship, and disregard what is forbidden and allowed.
                 Allah commanded Maryam not to speak with anyone so
             that she would not be exposed to the accusations of her
             community, and to state that she had made a vow of abstinence.
             Right after that, He created a miracle that would cause all
             slander to cease.  Prophet Isa, who was but a baby in the cradle,
             started to speak and explain on behalf of his mother.
                 She pointed towards him. They said, 'How can
                 a baby in the cradle speak?' He said, 'I am the
                 slave of Allah, He has given me the Book and
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