Page 94 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 94
92 The Importance of Conscience in the Qur'an
night and day but my calling has only made
them more evasive. Indeed, every time I called
them to Your forgiveness, they put their
fingers in their ears, wrapped themselves up in
their clothes and were overbearingly arrogant.
Then I called them openly. Then I addressed
them publicly and addressed them privately. I
said, "Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Truly He is
Endlessly Forgiving."' (Surah Nuh: 5-10)
Prophet Nuh did everything Allah and his conscience
ordered him to do. His inviting his people to Islam day and night,
secretly and publicly shows his serious and sincere commitment.
The answer his people gave is stated in the Qur'an:
Before them the people of Nuh denied the
truth. They denied Our slave, saying, 'He is a
madman,' and he was driven away with jeers.
(Surat al-Qamar: 9)
In reply to his people's transgression, Allah revealed to
Prophet Nuh:
None of your people are going to believe
except for those who already believe, so do not
be distressed at what they do. Build the Ark
under Our supervision and as We reveal and
do not address Me concerning the wrongdoers.
They shall be drowned. (Surah Hud: 36-37)
Prophet Nuh communicated the message to his people
until Allah's help arrived. He never gave up explaining the deen
in spite of all the difficulties he met. This surely required great
patience. All the prophets mentioned in the Qur'an summoned
their people to Islam with the same determination and patience.
Allah gave these righteous slaves of His wisdom and decisive
speech and knowledge. While the communication of the