Page 108 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 108

106           The Importance of Conscience in the Qur'an

                   they said, 'Musa, pray to your Lord for us by
                   the contract He has with you. If you remove
                   the plague from us, we will definitely believe in
                   you and send the tribe of Israel away with
                   you.' (Surat al-A'raf: 134)
                   Allah responded to Prophet Musa's prayer and removed
              the punishment from them for a certain time so that they
              would keep their promise. However, they displayed the
              untrustworthy and flighty character adopted by all corrupt
              disbelievers, and when the punishment was removed from
              them, they betrayed their word by returning to their old ways.
                   Finally, Allah took revenge on these people for their
              constant denial of His signs in spite of the many chances He had
              given them to believe. He manifested His attribute of 'al-
              Muntaqim' (one who punishes):
                   But when We removed the plague from them
                   – for a fixed term which they fulfilled – they
                   broke their word. Then We took revenge on
                   them and drowned them in the sea because
                   they denied Our Signs and paid no attention
                   to them. (Surat al-A'raf: 135-136)
                   Deep within themselves, Pharaoh and those who followed
              him were aware of Allah's power, in spite of their denial and
              transgression. In their greatest hours of need, they turned to
              Prophet Musa to ask help from Allah for them. In those
              moments of pain and despair they knew that no one could help
              them but Allah the Almighty.
                   Nowadays when faced with disaster from which there
              appears to be no escape, such as a plane crash or a hurricane,
              many people who do not consider themselves religious will
              start praying, then when the danger is passed they forget and
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