Page 109 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 109

Examples of Those Who Were Astray         107

             return to their old ways. The true believer worships Allah in
             times of hardship and fear and equally in times of happiness and

             Pharaoh's oppression of the believers and their
             steadfast conviction
                 Pharaoh tried various ways to overcome Prophet Musa.
             One of these was the contest he organised to make Prophet
             Musa compete with the magicians he trusted most. He thought
             to humiliate Prophet Musa with a deceitful trick dressed up as
             a just and fair contest.
                 When the appointed day came, Prophet Musa and the
             magicians faced each other in a field where people had
             gathered. The magicians threw down their sticks to show their
             power. On account of their magic, the sticks seemed to be
             slithering about like snakes. When Prophet Musa threw his
             stick, by Allah's will it swallowed up the sticks of the magicians.
             The magicians were amazed and immediately realised that
             Prophet Musa was telling the truth and that he was the
             messenger of Allah. Pharaoh's own magicians then testified that
             there is no god and power but Allah. Seeing his scheme back-
             fire on him, Pharaoh flew into a rage. He was humiliated in front
             of his people, and Prophet Musa, whom he considered to be so
             far beneath him, had won a great victory. He reacted violently
             against the magicians who believed, and ordered that they have
             opposite arms and legs amputated, then be executed by
             crucifixion (See Surat al-A'raf: 120-124).
                 The extreme cruelty of this punishment would be more
             than enough to silence a weak conscience, but amazingly the
             magicians who saw the truth, persisted in following their
             conscience despite such torture. Their conduct was a measure
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