Page 57 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 57

The Negative Powers Against Conscience      55

             The shaytan
                 For many people, the shaytan is a mythical notion. They do
             not realise the effect he has on people, and the role he plays in
             daily life. In this book, there is not sufficient time to do more
             than touch upon some qualities of the shaytan and the negative
             power he exerts against conscience. Even so, it should be
             sufficient to help one realise that the shaytan is not an imaginary
             being, but a negative power who watches man minutely and
             tries to drag him to error.
                 The shaytan disobeyed Allah and did not prostrate to
             Prophet Adam. Because of his jealousy and arrogance, he
             decided to lead human beings, whom he considered to be
             inferior to him, astray from Allah's way. In the Qur'an, it is
             mentioned that the shaytan gives false desires to the hearts,
             tries to make people doubt the existence of Allah and the
             hereafter, and makes the life of this world seem attractive to
             people. In fact, the shaytan is the representation of the negative
             powers that are present in the self. While a man's conscience
             always directs him to the right, the shaytan always directs him
             to the wrong.
                 However, the shaytan does not do this self-evidently. He
             has various methods that he uses surreptitiously. For instance,
             he may whisper to someone: 'You are a good person; you say
             you are a Muslim; if paradise exists, you will go there'. Perhaps
             this person neither practises regular prayers, nor the other
             commands of Allah, but the shaytan makes him feel confident
             that saying 'I'm a Muslim' is sufficient. He does not make him
             deny the existence of the hereafter outright, but he makes him
             lead a life near to disbelief under the name of Islam. What is
             more important is that the person, unaware that this is a
             deliberate plan devised by the shaytan to drag him into hell,
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