Page 60 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 60
58 The Importance of Conscience in the Qur'an
him as a friend and associate others with
Allah. (Surat an-Nahl: 99-100)
He (Allah) said, 'Go! And as for any who follow
you, your repayment is Hell, repayment in full!
Stir up any of them you can with your voice
and rally against them your cavalry and your
infantry and share with them in their children
and their wealth and make them promises!
The promise of the shaytan is nothing but
delusion. But as for My slaves, you will not
have any authority over them.' Your Lord
suffices as a guardian. (Surat al-Isra': 63-65)
Following the conscience is the easiest way
The choice between the conscience and the self is by no
means difficult for man. This is because Allah created man with
a disposition to take pleasure in following the voice of his
conscience. For this reason, to follow the deen and to live by it
complies with man's nature. In the following verse, Allah states:
Set your face firmly towards the deen, as a
pure natural believer, Allah's natural pattern
on which He made mankind. There is no
changing in Allah's creation. That is the true
Religion – but most people do not know it –
turning towards Him. (Surat ar-Rum: 30)
Allah inspires all consciences with thoughts of this nature,
so that every man's conscience wants to please Allah. It is
difficult and distressful for man to commit acts conflicting with
his conscience. Things that are done with no regard to
conscience cause the heart to grieve. The heart finds ease only
with the remembrance of Allah and the seeking of His pleasure.