Page 64 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 64

62            The Importance of Conscience in the Qur'an

              arrogance, which are forms of 'ananiyyah'(self-conceit). The
              term 'ananiyyah' is derived from the word 'ana' which means 'I'.
              Someone's seeing himself and all the beings around him as
              independent from Allah, and his orienting all his manners and
              approach to this point of view is self-conceit. When someone
              sees himself as independent of Allah, he will think all his
              qualities are his own. However, all that he is and all that he
              possesses belong to Allah. Allah can take them away as He wills.
              In a verse, the following answer is given to the person who
              took all his possessions as belonging to himself:
                   He said, 'I have only been given it because of
                   knowledge I have.' Did he not know before
                   him Allah had destroyed generations with far
                   greater strength than his and far more
                   possessions? The evildoers are not called
                   (immediately) to account for their sins. (Surat
                   al-Qasas: 78)
                   Self-conceit prevents one from seeing clearly. A
              self-conceited person thinks that he does everything by his own
              power. He does not think of his weakness and that he needs
              Allah. Since he sees himself as a being independent of Allah, he
              does not feel a sense of accountability to anyone else, and this
              causes arrogance to grow.
                   This arrogance prevents him from accepting what his
              conscience knows to be true. His accepting Allah's existence
              would also mean accepting the dominance of a more superior
              being than himself, submitting to him and being His slave. By
              doing so, he will have confirmed that nothing is from himself
              and that he needs Allah's help in everything.
                   We have talked thus far about the dangers that can be
              present in everyone's self. It would be a great mistake for
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