Page 66 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 66

64            The Importance of Conscience in the Qur'an

              actions?' 'How can I draw near to Allah?' Just thinking about
              these questions is surely not enough. What is important is
              one's exerting the effort of will to practise these things
              constantly. Someone who only worries about his own comfort,
              who never makes sacrifices and who does not take an interest
              in the condition of the people around him, will never make the
              effort necessary to practise what his conscience dictates. Such
              weak-willed people find it too difficult to make a real effort to
              live by Islam, so they ignore it or postpone it indefinitely. In the
              Qur'an, Allah states that a serious effort is favoured:
                   But as for anyone who desires the hereafter,
                   and strives for it with the striving it deserves,
                   being a believer, the striving of such people
                   will be gratefully acknowledged. (Surat al-
                   Isra': 19)

              Those who do not follow their conscience
              because they are not steadfast
                   Following the conscience requires a profound
              steadfastness. Someone who has not firmly decided to follow
              his conscience in all circumstances may be discouraged after a
              few trials thinking that his interests were harmed because he
              made sacrifices, and he could not get the results he wanted and
              thought he deserved. Following his conscience therefore
              becomes difficult for him and he gives up.
                   Following the conscience will certainly involve sacrifices.
              For instance, it is by virtue of his conscience that a man who is
              hungry and in need does not steal, but takes recourse to
              legitimate ways to satisfy his need, even though this may be
              more difficult. Under these seemingly difficult circumstances, it
              may at first be considered a hindrance never to do something
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