Page 71 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 71

Why Don't People Follow Their Conscience in
                            Spite of Knowing the Truth?            69

                 No doubt, as we have stated before, striving for Allah's
             way with the striving it deserves, is only possible by following
             the conscience. In the understanding of the ignorant, it is
             enough to display an 'average' character in accordance with the
             general trend in society. Many people think that they are
             sufficiently devout so long as they do not commit such crimes
             as murder, rape or theft. They do not think that there are
             hundreds of good actions and rites of worship that they
             postpone or disregard completely. Although it is forbidden,
             they gossip, they do not keep regular prayers, they do not try
             to improve their moral conduct and they do not thank their
             Lord for the favours He has bestowed upon them. They act
             unjustly when it suits their purposes, and lie to cover up their
             guilt. Their seeing themselves self-sufficient and not fearing the
             account in the hereafter is a sign of their ignorance and short-
                 The prophets and the believers exemplified in the Qur'an
             provide the best examples of the highest levels of
             conscientiousness. Prophet Yusuf, for instance, prayed to Allah
             to 'take him as a Muslim at his death and join him to the
             righteous'  (Surah Yusuf: 101). Even though he was Allah's
             chosen prophet, he referred to the hereafter with fear and
             hope. Ignorant people talk as if they are sure that they will go
             to paradise. If they continue to grow in blind arrogance, they
             are in danger of meeting an awful doom:
                 …lest anyone should say, 'Alas for me for
                 neglecting what Allah was due, and being one
                 of the scoffers!' or lest they should say, 'If only
                 Allah had guided me, I would have had taqwa,
                 or lest he should say, when he sees the
                 punishment, 'If only I could have another
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