Page 65 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 65
Why Don't People Follow Their Conscience in
Spite of Knowing the Truth? 63
someone to think of the examples given here as if belonging to
a third person, and not to take them upon himself. For instance,
it is a great mistake to suppose that rejection in spite of the
conscience being convinced is a quality peculiar to evolutionists.
The evolutionists' disregard of science in order not to accept
creation is only one type of self-conceit. There are other
people who do not follow Allah's commands although they say
that they accept His existence. They may think that their own
thoughts and judgements are more correct for their particular
situations than the guidance Allah sent to all people for all
times. This is a different side of self-conceit. Self-conceit may
reveal itself more openly in some people, and more covertly in
others. Be it big or small, the same logic underlies it; the inabil-
ity to grasp the power of Allah, His glory and our dependence
on Him.
Those who do not follow their conscience
because of their weak will
The number of weak-willed people in society is quite high.
Since they do not think deeply and do not feel the need to use
their reason, these weak people aim solely to meet the needs,
pleasures and passions of the moment. Very few people
exercise their capacity for deep thought or attempt to develop
their characters. To display the good manners prescribed by
the deen, and to live in accordance with Allah's good pleasure
requires a serious effort of will. One must always think, 'How
can I do better?' 'How can I be more humble, more forbearing,
more affectionate, more concerned, more solicitous, to the
believers?' 'What more can I do to explain Allah's religion to
the people, to summon them to good behaviour, sincerity and
honesty?' 'How can I avert them from their astray beliefs and