Page 79 - The importance of conscience in the Qur'an
P. 79
Why Don't People Follow Their Conscience in
Spite of Knowing the Truth? 77
who say, 'Our Lord, give us good in the world,
and good in the hereafter, and safeguard us
from the punishment of the Fire.' They will
have a good share from what they have
earned. Allah is swift at reckoning. (Surat al-
Baqara: 200-202)
In order for someone to fully appreciate the favours of
Allah, he has to have peace in his heart. Someone whose heart is
restless will not be able to take pleasure in or even recognise the
countless blessings of Allah which he is surrounded with. People
who say 'I'll do it in the future,' actually know the right guidance
and know that if they start to follow what their conscience
orders, they will have to rearrange their whole lives accordingly.
They know that when they start performing Salah regularly, the
voice of their conscience will start to weigh more heavily and
they will start to feel ashamed of the evil acts they commit. In the
verse, it is said that prayers guide people to the right:
Recite what has been revealed to you of the
Book and establish regular prayers. Regular
prayers preclude indecency and wrongdoing.
And remembrance of Allah is greater still.
Allah knows what you do. (Surat al-'Ankabut:
Because people understand this, they try to escape the
conscience-related responsibilities brought about by the rites
of worship by finding excuses; 'When I get married, when I've
made more money, when my children grow up,' etc. However,
on the day of account Allah will make man face the things he
put off:
That day the only resting place will be your
Lord. That day man will be told what he did