Page 57 - The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions
P. 57
Why is the Claim that Dinosaurs Evolved into Birds an Unscientific Myth?
this recently discovered fossil, the breastbone that was long as-
sumed by evolutionists to be missing was discovered to have
existed after all. This fossil was described in the journal Nature
as follows:
The recently discovered seventh specimen of the
Archaeopteryx preserves a partial, rectangular sternum, long
suspected but never previously documented. This attests to
its strong flight muscles, but its capacity for long flights is
questionable. 30
This discovery invali-
dated the mainstay of the
claims that Archaeopteryx was
a half-bird that could not fly
Morevoer, the structure 55
of the bird's feathers became
one of the most important
pieces of evidence confirming
that Archaeopteryx was a flying
bird in the true sense. The
asymmetric feather structure
of Archaeopteryx is indistin-
guishable from that of modern birds, and indicates that it could
fly perfectly well. As the eminent paleontologist Carl O.
Dunbar states, "Because of its feathers, [Archaeopteryx is] dis-
tinctly to be classed as a bird." 31 Paleontologist Robert Carroll
further explains the subject:
The geometry of the flight feathers of Archaeopteryx is iden-
tical with that of modern flying birds, whereas nonflying