Page 62 - The Collapse of the Theory of Evolution in 20 Questions
P. 62


                             large number of other wrist elements which have no homol-
                             ogy to the bones of Archaeopteryx. In addition, in almost all
                             theropods, nerve V1 exits the braincase out the side, along

                             with several other nerves, whereas in birds, it exits out the
                             front of the braincase, though its own hole. There is also the
                             minor problem that the vast majority of the theropods ap-
                             peared after the appearance of Archaeopteryx.  38

                            These facts once more indicate for certain that neither
                        Archaeopteryx nor other ancient birds similar to it were transi-

                        tional forms. The fossils do not indicate that different bird
                        species evolved from each other. On the contrary, the fossil
                        record proves that today's modern birds and some archaic birds
                        such as Archaeopteryx actually lived together at the same time. It
                        is true that some of these bird species, such as Archaeopteryx and

                        Confuciusornis, have become extinct, but the fact that only some
                        of the species that once existed have been able to survive down
                        to the present day does not in itself support the theory of evolution.

                            Latest Evidence: Ostrich Study Refutes

                            The Dino-Bird Story
                            The latest blow to the "birds evolved from dinosaurs" the-
                        ory came from a study made on the embryology of ostriches.

                            Drs. Alan Feduccia and Julie Nowicki of the University of
                        North Carolina at Chapel Hill studied a series of live ostrich
                        eggs and, once again, concluded that, there cannot be an evolu-

                        tionary link between birds and dinosaurs. EurekAlert, a scien-
                        tific portal held by the  American  Association for the The
                        Advancement of Science (AAAS), reports the following:

                             Drs. Alan Feduccia and Julie Nowicki of the University of
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