Page 10 - Fascism: The Bloody Ideology Of Darwinsim
P. 10

                                           F F  O O OR  E  W     O    R   D
                                           F FOREWORD

                             ascism is known as an ideology that was born and flourished in the 20th
                             century. It spread rapidly across the world in the wake of World War I,
                       F with fascist regimes coming to power in Germany and Italy in
                       particular, but also in such countries as Greece, Spain and Japan, where the
                       people suffered greatly from the oppressive and violent methods employed by
                       their governments. Against this oppression and violence, they could do little
                       more than cower before it. The fascist dictator and his administration heading
                       such systems, where brute force, aggression, bloodshed and violence were the
                       rule of the day, sent waves of terror throughout the society with their secret
                       police and fascist militia, paralyzing the people with fear. Furthermore, fascist
                       administration was implemented in almost all levels of society, from education
                       to culture, religion to art, the governmental structure to the military system,
                       and from the policing organizations to peoples' private lives. Ultimately,
                       World War II, initiated by fascists, was one of the gravest calamities in the
                       history of mankind, leaving as many as 55 million dead.
                              However, fascism is not an ideology found only in history books.
                       Although today there are no states that call themselves fascist or who practice
                       it openly, there are, nevertheless, in many countries in the world,
                       governments, political groups and parties who follow fascistic policies.
                       Though the names and tactics have changed, they continue to inflict similar
                       suffering on their people. There is also a possibility that the coming
                       deterioration of social conditions could lead to further growth in the support
                       for fascism. For that reason, fascism is a continuing threat to humanity.
                              This book has been written to confront this impending danger. It is
                       intended to expose fascist tendencies that arise under various methods and
                       forms, and to reveal their true root and aim. Another goal of this book is to
                       remove the "religious" facade that fascism sometimes hides behind, and to
                       reveal it as a system completely opposed to true religion.
                              In order to cure a sickness, it is first necessary to identify the virus that
                       causes it, to then fight it, and find an antidote to it. In this way, the conditions
                       that enable it to thrive can be eliminated, thus doing away with the sickness
                       itself. In a similar manner, to be free of the horror of "fascism," one must fight
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