Page 11 - Fascism: The Bloody Ideology Of Darwinsim
P. 11
its ideological basis and the influences that aid it in its growth. As we shall
come to see throughout this book, the fundamental principle behind fascism
today is Darwinism, which is deceptively portrayed as a scientific theory
although it is not. Nevertheless, Darwinism, which professes such claims as
"human beings are developed animals," "Some races have been left behind in
the evolutionary process," and "through survival of the fittest, the strong
survive and the weak need be eliminated," has been the source of numerous
harmful ideologies throughout the 20th century, and, especially, fascism.
Therefore, as we shall be exploring in detail, Darwinism bears much of the
responsibility for the oppression and violence that has been brought about.
Even if we live in a country where there is not a fascist movement or
fascist practices, where those who have sought to promote them have been
checked, and where Darwinism has not been widely accepted, we must not
lower our guard. All people of conscience must engage themselves in an
ideological struggle against all forces and ideologies that cause mischief in the
world and aim to destroy peace and order. God has ordered man to live in
peace and security. In the Koran He commands:
You who believe! Enter absolutely into peace (Islam). Do not follow in
the footsteps of Satan. He is an outright enemy to you. (Koran, 2:208)
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