Page 69 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 69

Blood: The Incomparable
                                        Liquid of Life

                 supported by no scientific evidence whatsoever.
                    Evolutionists claim that by gradual mutations over time,
                 the myoglobin molecule turned into hemoglobin. However,
                 both hemoglobin and myoglobin are special molecules with
                 exceedingly complex structures, performing very complicated
                 chemical processes.  Any mutational effect on these mole-
                 cules—even a small change—can lead to a serious defect in
                 the structure. The sequence in the myoglobin molecule is so
                 sensitive that even a controlled intervention, let alone random
                 mutations, can leave the molecule functionless. In addition, in
                 order to be able to confirm evolutionists' claims, every inter-
                 mediate stage between myoglobin and hemoglobin would

              Myoglobin               Hemoglobin

                 The muscles require less oxygen than other cells in the body. For that
                 reason, a different molecule has been created to distribute oxygen
                 to the muscles. While hemoglobin meets the tissues' needs with
                 the four oxygen molecules it carries, myoglobin gives life to the
                 muscles with its one oxygen molecule. This special organiza-  Adnan
                 tion is a flawless creation of God.

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