Page 73 - The Miracle of the Blood and Heart
P. 73

Blood: The Incomparable
                                        Liquid of Life

                 your body and your brain cannot obtain sufficient oxygen for
                 you to live in the healthy manner you did before.
                    This problem is resolved, however, thanks to certain sup-
                 port features imparted in the human body by God.
                    First of all, in such an oxygen-poor environment, your
                 body sounds the alarm. Its first precaution is to check whether
                 the most critical tissues, particularly the brain, are receiving
                 enough oxygen to keep working efficiently. Since the brain
                 uses 20% of all the oxygen taken in the body, it constitutes the
                 main organ the body must protect. The respiratory system and
                 the arteries have been created to perform this function.
                    Most blood vessels near the heart are equipped with bio-
                 logical "meters" that are very sensitive to any drop in oxygen
                 pressure. This subject, whose details shall be examined in due
                 course, is evidence that God has created all things in great har-
                 mony. The lung muscles, stimulated by the nerve cells,
                 increase the breathing rate so that more air reaches the lungs.
                 That is why you find yourself out of breath at high altitudes.
                 Meanwhile, the brain, equipped with its own unique meter,
                 sends messages to the heart, telling it to beat faster and more
                 powerfully so that what oxygen the blood does contain should
                 reach the tissues more quickly.
                    These measures are all temporary. Were it not for them,
                 you would not be able to long withstand this change in metab-
                 olism, and would suffer excessive fatigue. While all this is
                 going on, a more permanent solution occurs behind the
                    There is less oxygen available in low-pressure air. To
                 catch this limited oxygen supply, the production of
                 extra red blood cells shortly begins.  A few hours

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