Page 128 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 128
Considering that these creatures lack reason and intelligence, it
would be only reasonable for the bird nearest the fruit to keep it all,
thereby disrupting the disciplined feeding order. But instead of feed-
ing themselves first, members of the flock apply a most practical
method of distributing the fruit among them all. None of the birds
lined up on the branch do anything that would disrupt this amazing
precision. By itself, however, this cooperation isn't sufficient to feed
all members of the flock in one sitting, as the fruit of one tree is not
enough. Therefore even if the birds pass the fruits beak to beak some
of them would have to go hungry. To overcome this problem, they
land on trees in a different order each time, so that those that did not
get any fruit last time, will be the first to get some this time.
Animal Cooperation During Birth
Mammals especially are exposed to great dangers during birth,
when both mother and her baby become easy prey for predators.
However, when a pregnant animal is ready to give birth, another an-
imal of the herd is commonly present. For instance, the female ante-
Dolphins live in groups called pods
so that they may protect one an-
other. Other females assist the
mother giving birth.