Page 132 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 132
but also those in need who do not. In other words, the evolutionists'
"selfish gene" theory, cited earlier, has no scientific value. Anyhow, it
is not possible for animals devoid of reason to be concerned about
transferring their genes to the later generations. To claim that ani-
mals are programmed to carry such ambitions is to acknowledge the
existence of a mind and foresight responsible for such program-
The characteristics of every animal encountered in nature
clearly prove the existence of a superior Creator, who is God, the
most compassionate and the most merciful.
Devotion in Colonies
Ants, termites and bees live in groups based on discipline, obe-
dience, solidarity, devotion and sharing work. From the moment
they emerge from the pupae until their death, these tiny insects con-
centrate all their efforts into protecting the colony and feeding lar-
vae, with total disregard for their own welfare. They share their food
with one another, clean their environment and even die for one an-
Each member of the colony knows exactly what to do and does
it faultlessly. Their top priority is the welfare of the larvae and their
fellow insects. One never observes any selfish behavior in bees, ants
and termites, which is why these colonies live in a faultless order
and are so successful.
On termites' highly successful lives, based on cooperation,
Peter Kropotkin says the following:
Their [The ants' and termites'] wonderful nests, their buildings,
superior in relative size to those of man; their paved roads and
overground vaulted galleries; their spacious halls and gra-
naries; their corn-fields, harvesting and "malting" of grain; their
rational methods of nursing their eggs and larvae . . . and, fi-
nally, their courage, pluck, and superior intelligence—all these