Page 68 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 68
These animals' intelligent behavior, knowledge and dedication
have only one source: All these are God-given qualities. God has created
these creatures to be hard working and dedicated, providing them with
the abilities to hunt, feed, breed, and protect themselves so that they can
continue their species. In His infinite compassion and mercy, God
makes them build their nests; enables them to make perfect plans; pro-
tects and nurtures them. Neither Mother Nature nor chance can pro-
gram them to build sophisticated nests. Because all animals obey their
Creator's directives, they display behavior that could not be expected of
With the 68th verse of the Sura 16 —"… Build dwellings in the
mountains and the trees, and also in the structures which men
erect"—God reveals that it is He Who tells the bees where to build their
Continuation of the Species and Selfless Devotion
to Protect Offspring
Many animal species suffer hardship in order to raise and protect
their offspring, even risking death on occasion. Some migrate for hun-
dreds of miles to their chosen nesting grounds, where they build so-
phisticated nests requiring much effort. A few, like the male praying
mantis, die after mating; or—like the salmon—after laying their eggs.
Others guard their eggs for many weeks, some even carrying their eggs
in their mouths and therefore cannot feed.
All these acts of altruism serve an important purpose: survival of
the species. The weak and vulnerable young can survive only if pro-
tected and cared for by strong adults. The chances of survival are next
to nothing for a newborn deserted at birth or for eggs laid just any-
where. But living beings take it upon themselves to care for their de-
fenseless young without any signs of laziness, hesitation or frustration.
Each species fulfills its role, ordained by God, without fail.
Another interesting point is that those species that devote the