Page 70 - Devotion Among Animals Revealing the Work of God
P. 70


                   The kingdom of the heavens and earth belongs to God. He cre-
                   ates whatever He wills. He gives daughters to whoever He
                   wishes; and He gives sons to whoever He wishes; or He gives
                   them both sons and daughters; and He makes whoever He
                   wishes barren. Truly He is All-Knowing, All-Powerful. (Qur'an,
                   42: 49-50)

                   Extraordinary Care for Eggs and Young
                   It is possible to see many species of birds, fish or reptiles display-
               ing acts of great devotion and compassion. Many species of animals suf-
               fer much hardship to protect their next generation—concealing them,
               placing the eggs carefully to prevent their breaking, warming or pro-
               tecting the young from excessive heat, removing them to safety in case
               of danger, even carrying them around in their mouths, and guarding
               them for weeks on end.
                   Pythons can be dangerous to other larger creatures, including man,
               but are very protective and devoted to their eggs. The female python
               lays approximately 100 eggs, then curls up over them. This action cools
               the eggs by shading them when
               it's too hot; when it is too cool,
               she warms them by vibrating
               her body. In this way, the female
               python prevents life-endanger-
               ing threats to her eggs.
                   Another interesting group
               of animals is the mouthbrood-
               ers—fish that incubate their
               spawn in their mouths. Some
               continue to keep them in their
               mouths even after the eggs
               hatch. Catfish, for example,       The python cares for its eggs,
                                                  even though most people would
               swim around for weeks with         think otherwise.

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