Page 101 - Perished Nations
P. 101
The religious beliefs
of the Egyptians
were mainly based
on serving their
gods. The "interme-
diaries" between
these gods and peo-
ple were the priests
who were among
the leaders of the
society. Dealing
with magic and
witchcraft at the
same time, the
priests made an
important class
whom the Pharaohs
used in order to
keep the people in
and Harun (as) when they announced the Religion of
Truth to them, by saying: "Hast thou come to us to turn us away from the
ways we found our fathers following - in order that thou and thy brother
may have greatness in the land? But not we shall believe in you!" (Surah
Yunus: 78)
The religion of Ancient Egypt was divided into branches, the most im-
portant of which were the official religion of the state, the beliefs of the
people and belief in life after death.
According to the state’s official religion, the Pharaoh was a holy being.
He was a reflection of the people’s gods on earth and his purpose was to
dispense justice and protect them on earth.
The beliefs widespread among people were extremely complicated,
and the elements which clashed with the state’s official religion were opp-
Perished Nations