Page 96 - Perished Nations
P. 96
between these two communities; so why is it said in the verse addressed
to Thamud for them to remember ‘Ad?
The answer reveals itself after a short investigation. The geographical
distance between the ‘Ad and Thamud is deceptive. Historical sources
reveal that there is indeed a very strong connection between Thamud and
‘Ad. Thamud knew ‘Ad, because these two peoples most likely came from
the same origin. Britannica Micropaedia writes about these people as fol-
lows under the title of "Thamud":
In ancient Arabia, tribe or group of tribes that seem to have been promi-
nent. Although the Thamud probably originated in Southern Arabia, a large
group apparently moved northward at an early date, traditionally settling
on to the slopes of Jabal (Mount) Athlab. Recent archaeological work has
revealed numerous Thamudic rock writings and pictures not only on Jabal
Athlab, but also throughout Central Arabia. 31
A script graphically similar to the Smaitic alpabet (called Thamudic) has
been found in southern Arabia and up throughout the Hijaz. 32 The script
was first identified in a region in north central Yemen that is known as
Thamud, which is bound to the north by the Rub’al Khali, to the south by
the Hadramaut and to the west by Shabwah.
Before, we had seen that ‘Ad were a people living in South Arabia. It is
very significant that some remains of Thamud were found in the region
where ‘Ad had lived, especially around the region where the Hadramites,
the descendants of ‘Ad, lived and where their capital city stood. This situ-
ation explains the ‘Ad-Thamud relationship noted in the Qur’an. This rela-
tionship is explained as follows in the Prophet Salih’s (as) words revealed
in the Qur’an when he said that Thamud came to replace ‘Ad.
To the Thamud people (We sent) Salih, one of their own brethren:
He said: "O my people! worship Allah: ye have no other god but Him..."
(Surat al-A‘raf : 73)
And remember how He made you inheritors after the 'Ad people and gave
you habitations in the land (Surat al-A‘raf: 74)
Briefly, in return paid the price for not obeying their messenger,
Thamud were destroyed. The buildings they had built and the works of art
they had produced could not protect them from punishment. Thamud
were destroyed with a terrible punishment just like all the other peoples
both before and after them who denied the Truth.
Harun Yahya