Page 181 - Das Licht des Koran vernichtet den Satanismus
P. 181
1. 17. Stephen Jay Gould, Ever Since Darwin,
bgoat/essays/What-Is-S.html S.260 (emphasis added)
2. Yaflar Nuri Öztürk, Kuran Aç›s›ndan 18. http://braving-the-elements.
fieytanc›l›k (“Satanism According to the
Qur’an”), S. 54. ments_archive.html
3. Aleister Crowley, A Legacy of Satanism, 19. Roald E. Kristiansen, “Satan in
http://www.gothicpress.freeser- Cyberspace” 20. Burton H. Wolfe, Introduction of The
4. J. Gordon Melton, Encyclopedia of Satanic Bible, San Francisco, 25 December
American Religions, Volume III, Triumph 1976
Books, 1991, S. 141-142 (emphasis added). 21. Peter H. Gilmore, “Satanism: The
5. Blanche Barton, The Church of Satan, Feared Religion”
Hell's Kitchen Productions, 1991, S. 79-88. 22. Ebenda
6. “A Description of Satanism,” http://si- 23. Roald E. Kristiansen, “Satan in Cyberspace”
(emphasis added) 24. Aleister Crowley, A Legacy of Satanism,
7. Peter H. Gilmore, “Satanism: The Feared http://www.gothicpress.freeser-
Religion,” A New Age: Essays on Current
Religious Beliefs and Practices, Merrimac 25. Theodore D. Hall, “The Scientific
Books, 1992 (emphasis added). Background of the Nazi ‘Race Purification’
8. The Washington Post Magazine, 8 Program,”
February 1986 (emphasis added) id/nazi.html
9. Rick Hall, “Satan Really Wants You,” 26. “A Defence of Common Attacks on
SCREW, No.1, 548, 2 November 1998 Satanism,”
10. Roald E. Kristiansen, “Satan in ter/fraud.html
Cyberspace,” 27. Micheal Moynihan, Didrik Soderlind,
satanism.html (emphasis added) Lords of Chaos,
11. /modern.html
Pages/MFInterview.html 28. An Interview with Marilyn Manson at
12. Peter H. Gilmore, “Satanism: The the Capitol Ballroom, Washington D.C., 9
Feared Religion” (emphasis added) November 1995
13. Anton Szandor Lavey, The Satanic Bible, 29. Peter H. Gilmore, “Satanism: The
The Nine Satanic Statements 1969, S. 25-33 Feared Religion”
(emphasis added) 30. The Black Book of Communism:
14. Roald E. Kristiansen, “Satan in Crimes, Terror, Repression
Cyberspace” 31. Malachi Martin, The Keys of This Blood,
15. “Satanism: Minor Topics,” S. 200 32. Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh &
and “The Traditional Satan,” Henry Lincoln, The Messianic Legacy, Delta Book, S. 146
16. Richard Dawkins, “Meet my cousin, the 33.
chimpanzee,” New Scientist, issue 1876, 05 vad/article.php?id=20&aid=142
June 1993, S. 36 34. “Stalin Was Right,” http://www.geoci-
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)