Page 12 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 12

                             THE PROPHET JESUS (AS) WILL RETURN
             away some thousands of years ago and that thus it is unlikely
             that he will return. This is a misconception arising from lack of
             knowledge about the Qur'an and the hadith.
                 The Prophet Muhammad (saas) also told us that in the time
             when the Prophet Jesus (as) will be sent back to earth, which is
             called 'the end of time', there will be a period in which the earth
             will attain unprecedented peace, justice and welfare.
                 The 'end times' refers to the period of time close to the end
             of the world. According to Islam, in this time, there will be the
             terrible trials of the dajjal (antichrist), many earthquakes and the
             emergence of Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog) after which the
             ways of the Qur'an will prevail and people will extensively
             adhere to the values it teaches.
                 Evidence that the Prophet Jesus (as) did not die, that he was
             raised to the Presence of Allah and that he will return again will
             be examined in this book in the light of the Qur'anic verses,
             hadiths and Islamic scholars' interpretations. However, before
             proceeding, it would be beneficial to remind ourselves of some
             basic information directly related to this subject.
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