Page 16 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 16

                             THE PROPHET JESUS (AS) WILL RETURN
             practices belonging to the true faith, the religion revealed to the
             Prophet Jesus (as) has been corrupted by certain individuals
             who came after him. Many years after the first coming of the
             Prophet Jesus (as), unidentified people authored the books of

             what we know today as the New Testament, and they wrote
             them in Greek whereas the language of the Prophet Jesus (as)
             and his disciples was Aramaic, a language close to Arabic. In
             succeeding ages, historians compiled these writings. Conse-
             quently, Christianity today has lost much of the Prophet Jesus'
             (as) original teaching.
                 After the Prophet Jesus (as), Allah sent another messenger
             from a different tribe in order that through him He could reveal
             and restore the original religion to the world, and He endowed
             him with a noble book. This messenger was the Prophet
             Muhammad (saas) and the book is the Qur'an, the only unal-
             tered Divine revelation.
                 The Qur'an addresses all mankind and is relevant for all
             times. All people from all ages will be held responsible for
             adhering to this book, if they have been exposed to the message
             of Islam. They will be judged according to the Qur'an on the Day

             of Judgement. In this day and age especially, all the nations of
             the world are, in a sense, united and have almost become like a
             single tribe, thanks to technological breakthroughs. One aca-
             demic referred to the world today as 'the global village'. There-
             fore, there are few people in the world today who can be
             unaware of the existence of the Qur'an and who are uninformed
             about Islam. Despite this, only a certain part of people has faith
             in the Qur'an.
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