Page 20 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 20
women live. He was one of the corrupters. (Surat al-
Qasas: 4)
Under such circumstances where people suffer economic
and social problems under the tyranny of unjust leaders, the
need for a saviour is profoundly felt. This is the person who
removes the unfavourable aspects of the system caused by the
disbelief (kufr) of the ruler and his people and brings the peace,
justice and security which come along with obedience to Allah
and His Messenger.
After the Prophet Moses (as), the Children of Israel also
faced the same difficulties under the rule of tyrants. They were
driven from their homes and lands and suffered intensely. Real-
ising that neither the idols they worshipped, nor their posses-
sions, nor ancestors would save them from such undesirable cir-
cumstances, they asked for a king from Allah; a saviour who
would save them from this cruel system.
"You Will Not Find Any Changing in the
Pattern of Allah"
From the stories related in the Qur'an, we understand that
almost the same fate befell each of the past civilisations that
revolted against their messengers. The circumstances under
which people led their lives, the sending of messengers to warn
them and destruction of some of them all follow the same pat-
Modern societies also undergo rapid corruption and degen-
eration. Poverty, misery and disorder throw the lives of people
into complete disarray and make them wish for a peaceful life
where virtue prevails. Apparently, justice can prevail only if the
values of the Qur'an become predominant among people. Only