Page 25 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 25


                  SON OF MARYAM (AS),

                           IN THE QUR'AN

                    his section looks at the details regarding the second com-
                    ing of the Prophet Jesus (as) as found in the most reliable
             T sources. The first of these sources is most certainly the
             Qur'an, the unaltered Speech of Allah, as expressed in the
             Qur'an, "No one can change His words" (Surat al-An'am 115);
             and the second is the Sunnah of the Last Messenger of Allah, the
             Prophet Muhammad (saas). The Qur'an provides detailed infor-
             mation about many stages of the Prophet Jesus' (as) life includ-
             ing his birth, his being raised to the Presence of Allah, his second
             coming and his death.
                 The Prophet Jesus (as), who lived some two thousand years
             ago, is a blessed messenger of Allah. He is held in high esteem
             both in this world and the Hereafter, as the Qur'an informs us.
             The true religion revealed to him still remains today, albeit in
             name only. That is because the original teaching communicated
             by the Prophet Jesus (as) has been distorted. The book Allah
             revealed to the Prophet Jesus (as), too, is distorted. Christian
             sources have undergone various alterations and perversions.
             Consequently today, it is unlikely that we can obtain true knowl-
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