Page 26 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 26
edge regarding the Prophet Jesus (as) from Christian sources.
The only sources from which we can gain accurate knowl-
edge about the Prophet Jesus (as) are the Qur'an, the book Allah
assures He will keep unchanged until the Day of Judgement,
and the Sunnah of His Messenger the Prophet Muhammad
(saas). In the Qur'an, Allah gives an account of the birth and life
of the Prophet Jesus (as), some incidents he met in his life, the
people surrounding him and many other subjects related to him.
Furthermore, the Qur'anic verses also inform us about the life of
Maryam (as) before she gave birth to the Prophet Jesus (as), how
she conceived in a miraculous way and the reactions of the peo-
ple surrounding her to this incident. Moreover, some verses of
the Qur'an imply that the Prophet Jesus (as) will come to earth
for a second time in the end times. This section presents some of
this Qur'anic information.
The Birth of Maryam (as) and the Way She
Was Raised
Maryam (as), who was chosen to give birth to the Prophet
Jesus (as), was born at a time of social disorder. Allah specially
chose Maryam (as) for this blessed duty and brought her up
accordingly. Maryam (as) came from a noble family, the family
of 'Imran. Allah chose this family over all people.
The members of the family of 'Imran were known to be peo-
ple having great faith in Allah. They turned to Him while doing
all their deeds and meticulously observed His limits. When 'Im-
ran's wife learned that she was expecting a child, she turned to
her Creator and prayed, and she devoted what was in her womb
to the service of Allah. Allah gives an account of this in the