Page 70 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 70

                             THE PROPHET JESUS (AS) WILL RETURN
                 Proof # 5

                 In addition to all the above, the verse "The likeness of Jesus
             in Allah's Sight is the same as Adam." (Surah Al ‘Imran: 59)
             could also indicate the Prophet Jesus' (as) return. Muslim schol-
             ars who have written Qur'anic commentaries point out that this
             verse indicates the fact that both prophets did not have a father,
             for Allah created both of them with the command "Be!" Howev-
             er, the verse could also have another meaning: Just as the
             Prophet Adam (as) was sent down to Earth from Allah's Pres-
             ence, the Prophet Jesus (as) could be sent down to Earth from
             Allah's Presence during the End Times. (Allah knows the truth.)
             As we have seen, the verses of the Qur'an concerning the return
             to Earth of the Prophet Jesus (as) are quite explicit.

                 Proof # 6
                 Allah tells about the ascension of the Prophet Jesus (as) in
             Surah Maryam as follows:

                 (Jesus said,) Peace be upon me the day I was born, and
                 the day I die and the day I am raised up again alive.
                 (Surah Maryam: 33)
                 When we consider this verse together with Surah Al 'Imran
             55, it indicates a very important truth. In the verse in Surah Al
             'Imran it is stated that the Prophet Jesus (as) was raised up to the
             Presence of Allah. No information is given in this verse about
             death or killing. Yet in Surah Maryam: 33 information is given
             about the day when the Prophet Jesus (as) will die. That second
             death can only be possible if the Prophet Jesus (as) dies after
             returning to and living on earth for a while. (Allah knows the
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