Page 66 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 66
whom We made an example for the tribe of Israel." 16
Those who cite this pronoun as referring to the Qur'an go on
to quote the next part of the verse "Have no doubt about it. But
follow me" as so-called evidence. However, the verses preceding
this one refer completely to the Prophet Jesus (as). For this rea-
son, it appears that the pronoun hu is linked to those preceding
verses and also refers to the Prophet Jesus (as). In fact, great
Islamic scholars declare that to be the case, based on the use of
the pronoun both in the Qur'an and in the hadith.
Among contemporary Islamic scholars, Sayyid Qutb drew
attention to the important evidence concerning the Prophet
Jesus' (as) second coming, in his commentary:
Many hadith regard the Prophet Jesus' (as) descent to earth prior to
the Day of Judgment. Indeed, the verse, "He is a Sign of the Hour"
also indicates this. In other words, the Prophet Jesus (as) will descend
to earth at a time close to the Day of Judgment. In a second style of
reading, the verse reads "wa innahu la 'ilmun li al-saa'ati." In other
words, his descent is a sign, a sign of the Day of Judgment. Both
styles of reading express the same meaning. His descent from the
skies is a news of the Unseen World, spoken of by the right-speaking
and trustworthy Prophet (saas) and indicated in the glorious
Qur'an. Apart from the information from these two sources, which
will remain unchanged until the Day of Judgment, nobody can say
anything else about the subject. 17
Al-Kawthari stated that even in the oldest doctrinal texts,
this verse was used as evidence of the Prophet Jesus' (as) return. 18
Omer Nasuhi Bilmen explained the verse in these terms:
It gives news, in an indubitable manner, that the Prophet Jesus (as) is
a sign of the approach of the Day of Judgment and that the Day of