Page 64 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 64

                            THE PROPHET JESUS (AS) WILL RETURN
             na 1 and 6, Surat al-Hadid 29, and Surat al-Hashr 2). Yet the sin-
             gular suffix hu is employed in this verse. This means that the
             verse reports that the People of the Book will believe in the
             Prophet Jesus (as) before his death – in other words, before his

             biological death at his second coming. (Allah knows the truth.)
             Besides, in the Prophet Jesus' (as) time Jews who are defined as
             the People of the Book not only did not have faith in the Prophet
             Jesus (as) but also attempted to kill him. On the other hand, it is
             not possible to say that Jews and Christians who lived and died
             after the time of the Prophet Jesus (as) had faith – the type of
             faith described in the Qur'an – in him.
                 To conclude, when we make a careful evaluation of the
             verse, we arrive at the following conclusion: Before the Prophet
             Jesus' (as) death, all the People of the Book will have faith in
             him. In other words, in the second coming of the Prophet Jesus
             (as), all the People of the Book will become Muslims as his fol-
             lowers and Islamic morals will prevail on the Earth.
                 Besides, the verse refers to the future because there is men-
             tion of the death of the Prophet Jesus (as). Yet, the Prophet Jesus
             (as) did not die but was raised up to the Presence of Allah. The
             Prophet Jesus (as) will come to earth again, he will live for a
             specified time and then die. Moreover, all the People of the Book
             will have faith in him. This is an event which has yet not
             occurred, but which will happen in the future.

                 Consequently, by the expression "before he dies", there is a
             reference to the Prophet Jesus (as). The People of the Book will
             see him, know him and obey him while he is alive. Meanwhile,
             the Prophet Jesus (as) will bear witness against them on the Last
             Day and Allah knows the truth.
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