Page 63 - The Prophet Jesus (as) will Return
P. 63

                               HARUN YAHYA (ADNAN OKTAR)
             however, is there reference to the Qur'an as a witness. If we
             accept that the "him" or "it" in the first sentence refers to the
             Qur'an – though grammatically or logically we have no evidence
             whatsoever – then we should also accept that the "he" in the sec-
             ond statement also refers to the Qur'an. To accept this however,
             there should be an explicit verse confirming this view.
                 In addition, the words "… Allah raised him up to Himself"
             in the preceding verse once again shows that it is not the Qur'an
             that is being indicated in this verse. The Qur'an has been a guid-
             ance for the faithful for the last 1400 years, and has not been
             raised up to Allah. It is the Prophet Jesus (as) who has been
             raised up to Him. This is yet another proof that the witnessing
             referred to in the verse is that of the Prophet Jesus (as) for the
             People of the Book, and that the pronoun "he" in the verse does
             not refer to the Qur'an. (Allah knows the truth.)
                 In other verses, we see that when the same personal pro-
             noun is used for the Qur'an, there is generally mention of the
             Qur'an before or after that specific verse as in the cases of Surat
             an-Naml: 77 and Surat ash-Shu'ara: 192-196. The verse straight-
             forwardly defines that People of the Book will have faith in the
             Prophet Jesus (as) and that he (the Prophet Jesus [as]) will be a
             witness against them.
                 The second point is about the interpretation of the expres-
             sion "before he dies". Some think this is having faith in the
             Prophet Jesus (as) before their own death. According to this
             interpretation everyone from the People of the Book will defi-
             nitely believe in the Prophet Jesus (as) before they face their own
             death. Arabic linguistics, however, shows that this claim is not
             correct. The plural suffix hum is used in all those verses of the
             Qur'an that refer to the People of the Book (as in Surat al-Bayyi-
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