Page 140 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 140
The oldest known
Plesiosaurus skeleton
Skeleton of Araeoscelis, a
Lower Permian reptile.
Plesiosaurus, the oldest known marine reptile, and its nearest terrestrial relative
according to evolutionists. There is no resemblance between the two. The terrestrial
reptile Araeocelis, regarded as the nearest ancestor of Plesiosaur by evolutionist
A typical example of the oldest known
whales, Zygorhiza kochii, from the The ancestors of
Eocene. the whale are a
subject of debate
authorities, but
some of them
have decided on
Ambulocetus. To
the side is
Ambulocetus, a
typical tetrapod.
An early whale and what evolutionists claim to be its closest ancestor. Note that there
is no resemblance between them. Even the best candidate that evolutionists have found
for being the ancestor of whales has nothing to do with them.