Page 151 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 151
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
Scientific discoveries do not support the claims of the punctuated
equilibrium theory of evolution. The claim that organisms in small
populations can swiftly evolve with macromutations is actually at least as
invalid as the model of evolution proposed by the mainstream neo-
So, why has this theory become so popular in recent years? This
question can be answered by looking at the debates within the Darwinist
community. Almost all the proponents of the punctuated equilibrium
theory of evolution are paleontologists. This group, led by such
paleontologists as Stephen Jay Gould, Niles Eldredge, and Steven M.
Stanley, clearly see that the fossil record disproves the Darwinist theory.
However, they have conditioned themselves to believe in evolution, no
matter what. So for this reason they have resorted to the punctuated
equilibrium theory as the only way of accounting even in part for the facts
of the fossil record.
On the other hand, geneticists, zoologists, and anatomists see that
there is no mechanism in nature which can give rise to any "punctuations,"
and for this reason they insist on defending the gradualistic Darwinist
model of evolution. The
Oxford University zoologist
Richard Dawkins fiercely
criticizes the proponents of
the punctuated equilibrium
model of evolution, and
accuses them of "destroying
the theory of evolution's
The result of this
dialogue of the deaf is the
scientific crisis the theory of
evolution now faces. We are
dealing with an evolution
myth which agrees with no
Richard Dawkins, busy
experiments or observations, indoctrinating the young through
and no paleontological Darwinist propaganda.