Page 172 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 172

                                                                   SEWING NEEDLE
                                                                26,000-year-old needle: This
                                                                interesting find shows that
                                                                     Neanderthals had the
                                                               knowledge to make clothing
                                                             tens of thousands of years ago
                                                               (D. Johanson, B. Edgar, From
                                                                Lucy to Language, page 99).

                                                 NEANDERTHAL FLUTE
                                                 A Neanderthal flute made from bone.
                                                 Calculations made from this artifact
                                                 have shown that the holes were
                                                 made to produce correct notes, in
                                                 other words that this was an expertly
                                                 designed instrument.
                                                 Above can be seen researcher Bob
                                                 Fink's calculations regarding the

                                                 Contrary to evolutionist propaganda,
                                                 discoveries such as this show that
                                                 Neanderthal people were civilized,
                                                 not primitive cavemen (The AAAS
                                                 Science News Service, "Neanderthals
                                                 Lived Harmoniously," April 3, 1997).
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