Page 167 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 167
These two skulls,
discovered on October 10,
1967, in the Kow Swamp
in Victoria, Australia, were
named Kow Swamp I and
Kow Swamp V.
Alan Thorne and Phillip Macumber,
who discovered the skulls,
interpreted them both as Homo
sapiens skulls, whereas they actually
contained many features reminiscent
of Homo erectus. The only reason
they were treated as Homo sapiens
was the fact that they were
calculated to be 10,000 years old.
Evolutionists did not wish to accept
the fact that Homo erectus, which
they considered a "primitive" species
and which lived 500,000 years before
modern man, was a human race
which had lived 10,000 years ago.