Page 163 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 163

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

             ER 1470 skull, which frequently appeared on the covers
             of scientific journals and popular science magazines,
             was the result of the incorrect assembly of the skull
             fragments, which may have been deliberate. Professor
             Tim Bromage, who conducts studies on human facial
             anatomy, brought this to light by the help of computer
             simulations in 1992:
                 When it [KNM-ER 1470] was first reconstructed, the
                 face was fitted to the cranium in an almost vertical  Richard Leakey misled
                 position, much like the flat faces of modern humans.  both himself and the
                                                                             world of
                 But recent studies of anatomical relationships show that
                                                                     paleontology about
                 in life the face must have jutted out considerably,  Homo rudolfensis.
                 creating an ape-like aspect, rather like the faces of
                 Australopithecus. 193
                 The evolutionary paleoanthropologist J. E. Cronin states the
             following on the matter:
                 ... its relatively robustly constructed face, flattish naso-alveolar clivus,
                 (recalling australopithecine dished faces), low maximum cranial width (on
                 the temporals), strong canine juga and large molars (as indicated by
                 remaining roots) are all relatively primitive traits which ally the specimen
                 with members of the taxon A. africanus. 194
                 C. Loring Brace from Michigan University came to the same
             conclusion. As a result of the analyses he conducted on the jaw and tooth
             structure of skull 1470, he reported that "from the size of the palate and the
             expansion of the area allotted to molar roots, it would appear that ER 1470
             retained a fully Australopithecus-sized face and dentition." 195
                 Professor Alan Walker, a paleoanthropologist from Johns Hopkins
             University who has done as much research on KNM-ER 1470 as Leakey,
             maintains that this creature should not be classified as a member of
             Homo—i.e., as a human species—but rather should be placed in the
             Australopithecus genus. 196
                 In summary, classifications like Homo habilis or Homo rudolfensis,
             which are presented as transitional links between the australopithecines
             and Homo erectus, are entirely imaginary. It has been confirmed by many
             researchers today that these creatures are members of the Australopithecus

             series. All of their anatomical features reveal that they are species of apes.

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