Page 158 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 158


             from England and the USA, Lord Solly
             Zuckerman and Prof. Charles Oxnard, showed
             that these creatures did not walk upright in
             human manner. Having studied the bones of
             these fossils for a period of 15 years by means
             of grants from the British government, Lord
             Zuckerman and his team of five specialists
             reached the conclusion that australopithecines
             were only an ordinary species of ape, and
             were definitely not bipedal, although
             Zuckerman is an evolutionist himself.    187
             Correspondingly, Charles E. Oxnard, who is
             another evolutionary anatomist famous for his
                                                                         "GOODBYE, LUCY"
             research on the subject, also likened the
                                                                Scientific discoveries have left
             skeletal structure of australopithecines to that  evolutionist assumptions regarding
             of modern orangutans. 188                       "Lucy," once considered the most
                                                                   important example of the
                  That Australopithecus cannot be counted
                                                            Australopithecus genus, completely
             an ancestor of man has recently been accepted     unfounded. The famous French
             by evolutionist sources. The famous French      scientific magazine, Science et Vie,
                                                                accepted this truth under the
             popular scientific magazine Science et Vie made  headline "Goodbye, Lucy," in its
             the subject the cover of its May 1999 issue.   February 1999 issue, and confirmed
                                                              that Australopithecus cannot be
             Under the headline "Adieu Lucy"—Lucy being
                                                               considered an ancestor of man.
             the most important fossil example of the
             species    Australopithecus   afarensis—the
             magazine reported that apes of the species Australopithecus would have to
             be removed from the human family tree. In this article, based on the
             discovery of another Australopithecus fossil known simply as St W573, the
             following sentences appear:
                  A new theory states that the genus Australopithecus is not the root of the
                  human race… The results arrived at by the only woman authorized to
                  examine St W573 are different from the normal theories regarding mankind's
                  ancestors: this destroys the hominid family tree. Large primates, considered
                  the ancestors of man, have been removed from the equation of this family
                  tree… Australopithecus and Homo (human) species do not appear on the same
                  branch. Man's direct ancestors are still waiting to be discovered. 189

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