Page 184 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 184
Evolutionary paleontologists portray grown less pronounced as human races have
different Homo erectus, Homo sapiens intermixed over time.
neanderthalensis, and archaic Homo sapiens Despite this, quite striking differences can
human fossils as indicating different species still be observed between human races
or subspecies on the evolutionary path. They living today. The skulls in these pages, all
base this on the differences between these belonging to modern human beings (Homo
fossil skulls. However, these differences sapiens sapiens), are all examples of these
actually consist of variations among differences. To show similar structural
different human races that have existed, differences between races that lived in the
some of which have become extinct or have past as evidence for evolution is quite
been assimilated. These differences have simply bias.
Native Peruvian from the fifteenth Middle-aged Bengali. Male from the Solomon Islands
century. (Melanesia) who died in 1893.
German male aged 25-30. Male Congolese aged 35-40. Male Inuit aged 35-40.