Page 186 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 186


                 These interpretations of the Laetoli footprints demonstrate one
             important fact. Evolutionists support their theory not based on scientific
             findings, but in spite of them. Here we have a theory that is blindly
             defended no matter what, with all new findings that cast the theory into
             doubt being either ignored or distorted to support the theory.
                 Briefly, the theory of evolution is not a scientific theory, but a dogma
             kept alive despite science.

                 The Bipedalism Problem

                 Apart from the fossil record that we have dealt with so far,
             unbridgeable anatomical gaps between men and apes also invalidate the
             fiction of human evolution. One of these has to do with the manner of
                 Human beings walk upright on two feet. This is a very special form
             of locomotion not seen in any other mammalian species. Some other
             animals do have a limited ability to move when they stand on their two
             hind feet. Animals like bears and monkeys can move in this way only
             rarely, such as when they want to reach a source of food, and even then

               The human skeleton is created to walk upright. Ape skeletons, however, with
               their forward-leaning stance, short legs, and long arms, are suited to walking
               on four legs. It is not possible for there to be an "intermediate form" between
               them, because this would be extremely unproductive.
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