Page 224 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 224
This discussion… has, in a sense, focused on a straw man: the myth of a self-
replicating RNA molecule that arose de novo from a soup of random
polynucleotides. Not only is such a notion unrealistic in light of our current
understanding of prebiotic chemistry, but it would strain the credulity of
even an optimist's view of RNA's catalytic potential. 268
3. Even if we suppose that there was self-replicating RNA in the
primordial world, that numerous amino acids of every type ready to be
used by RNA were available, and that all of these impossibilities somehow
took place, the situation still does not lead to the formation of even one
single protein. For RNA only includes information concerning the
structure of proteins. Amino acids, on the other hand, are raw materials.
Nevertheless, there is no mechanism for the production of proteins. To
consider the existence of RNA sufficient for protein production is as
nonsensical as expecting a car to assemble itself by simply throwing the
DNA codes of the beta-globin gene. These codes make up one of the parts of the
haemoglobin that carry oxygen in the blood. The important thing is that if there is an
error in just one of these codes, the protein that is produced will be totally useless.