Page 286 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 286
Michael Land, a scientist and researcher at the University of Sussex in
England, was the first to examine the lobster eye structure in detail. Land
stated that the eye had a most surprising structure. 350
It is obvious that the lobster eye presents a great difficulty for the
theory of evolution. Most importantly, it exemplifies the concept of
"irreducible complexity." If even one of its features—such as the facets of
the eye, which are perfect squares, the mirrored sides of each unit, or the
retina layer at the back—were eliminated, the eye could never function.
Therefore, it is impossible to maintain that the eye evolved step-by-step. It
is scientifically unjustifiable to argue that such a perfect structure as this
could have come about haphazardly. It is quite clear that the lobster eye
was created by Allah as a miraculous system.
One can find further traits in the lobster's eye that nullify the
assertions of evolutionists. An interesting fact emerges when one looks at
creatures with similar eye structures. The reflecting eye, of which the
lobster's eye is one example, is found in only one group of crustaceans,
the so-called long-bodied decapods. This family includes the lobsters,
the prawns and shrimp.
The other members of the Crustacea class display "the refracting type
eye structure," which works on completely different principles from those
of the reflecting type. Here, the eye is made up of hundreds of cells like a
honeycomb. Unlike the square cells in a lobster eye, these cells are either
hexagonal or round. Furthermore, instead of reflecting light, small lenses
in the cells refract the light onto the focus on the retina.
The majority of crustaceans have the refracting eye structure. According
to evolutionist assumptions, all the creatures within the class Crustacea
should have evolved from the same ancestor. Therefore, evolutionists claim
that reflecting mirrored eye evolved from a refracting eye.
However, such reasoning is impossible, because both eye structures
function perfectly within their own systems and have no room for any
"transitional" phase. A crustacean would be left sightless and would be
eliminated by natural selection if the refracting lens in its eye were to
diminish and be replaced by reflecting mirrored surfaces.
It is, therefore, certain that both of these eye structures were created
separately. There is such superb geometric precision in these eyes that
believing that they came into being by chance is simply ludicrous.