Page 294 - Darwinism Refuted
P. 294


             studies the system in the ear with common sense can easily see that it is
             the product of Allah’s magnificent creation.

                  The Reproduction of Rheobatrachus Silus

                  Irreducible complexity is not a feature that we only see at the
             biochemical level or in complicated organs. Many biological systems
             possessed by living things are irreducibly complex, and invalidate the
             theory of evolution for that reason. The extraordinary reproductive
                                           method of Rheobatrachus silus, a species of
                                           frog living in Australia, is an example of
                                                The females of this species use a
                                           fascinating method to protect their eggs
                                           after fertilization. They swallow them.
                                           The tadpoles remain and grow in the
             The females of this frog species  stomach for the first six weeks after they
             hide their young in their
             stomachs throughout the       hatch. How is it possible that they can
             incubation period, and then   remain in their mothers' stomach that
             give birth to them through    long without being digested?
             their mouths. But in order for
             this to happen, a number of        A flawless system has been created
             adjustments have to be made,  to enable them to do so. First, the female
             all at the same time and with  gives up eating and drinking for those six
             no mistakes allowed: The egg-
             structure has to be set up, the  weeks, which means the stomach is
             stomach acid must be          reserved solely for the tadpoles.
             neutralized, and the mothers
             have to be able to live for   However, another danger is the regular
             weeks without feeding.        release of hydrochloric acid and pepsin in
                                           the stomach. These chemicals would
             normally quickly kill the offspring. However, this is prevented by a very
             special measure. The fluids in the stomach of the mother are neutralized
             by the hormonelike substance prostaglandin E , which is secreted first by
             the egg capsules and then by the tadpoles. Hence, the offspring grow
             healthily, even though they are swimming in a pool of acid.
                  How do the tadpoles feed inside the empty stomach? The solution to
             this has been provided, too. The eggs of this species are significantly larger
             than those of others, as they contain a yolk very rich in proteins, sufficient

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